Estate Planning

Estate planning is as important to your financial plan as the investments themselves. It will ensure your assets are allocated according to how you would like them to be distributed after death, ensuring this decision won't be left to the Government

Two important instruments are:

  • Wills

    One of the most important estate planning documents is the will. Despite being a simple document to prepare, many people die without one or, just as commonly, they die with a will that is out-of-date and so does not accurately reflect their current circumstances.

  • Powers of Attorney

    A power of attorney is a formal document that empowers another person to represent them in certain circumstances. This document becomes very important in the case of temporary or permanent disability.

    Wills and powers of attorney are important components of estate planning. As we are not qualified to advise clients on the legal aspects of their wills, our role as you financial planner is to make recommendations to your solicitor, who will prepare the document on your behalf.

    North West Financial Services will, in planning your estate, use certain types of insurance to fund any shortfall in assets in your estate. That is, if you are a married man with children and are the major bread-winner then, as part of the recommendation for your estate planning, we will ensure that life insurance is put in place to fund your income in the event that you prematurely pass away. This cannot replace you but it will replace your income so that your family is secure.

Contact us to discuss all relevant issues related to your estate planning needs.